

【教学反思】北师大版 高中英语教材 第六模块


Modeule6  Unit 18 Beauty

Modeule 6 Unit 18Beauty

Lesson 1 What isBeauty

Teaching Aims:

a. The knowledge- learning goal:

To guess the meanings of wordsand expressions through pictures or in some sentences.

b. The abilities-cultivating goal:

1. Enablethe students to describe the main idea of the passages with the target language.

2. Helpthe students to talk about the details in the passage with the target languageso as to let them grasp the structure of the whole text and at the same timedevelop students’ abilities of reading and expressing their views on beauty.

c. Emotional goal:

To cultivate students’ goodsense of aesthetics.

Teaching focus:

Get the students to guess and learn some new wordsand phrases in some sentences.

consistent  accompany overweight 

subjective  dimension commitment

Get the students to be able to have a deeperunderstanding of beauty and to know the general idea of the passage.

Reason: If the studentswant to understand the main idea of the passage, they have to enlarge theirvocabulary.

Teaching difficult points:

To find out thestructure of the passage.

To enable students to work in groups and expresstheir opinions freely.   

Reason:It’seasy to get the general idea of the passage, but difficult to find out itsstructure just like how we deal with our Chinese texts.


Teaching methods:

1. Skimming andscanning method for imformation reading.

2. Task-based methodto organize the class.

3. Individual, pairor group work to make every student involved in class.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Pre-reading

Warm-up and Lead-in: Show thestudents some pictures. Ask them whether they have enjoyed the beauty in them.

Function: The multimediawill help them to become interested in the topic in this lesson. It also makesthe students come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Step 2. While-reading

1. Skimming: Let the Ss tohave a quick look at the text to pick out some new words and then try to guesstheir meanings in some sentences.

Function: Enlarge theirvocabulary to help them understand the text better.

2. Reading fordetails

Read the tablegiven by the teacher and discuss the answers with the parteners.

Summarize “What is Beauty?”

Function: Help them to seethe structure of the passage clearly. They will find their obvious progress inreading abilities and enjoy the cooperation during this part.

Step3. Post-reading

Show the studentssome pictures and organize the students to discuss with group members, 4persons in one group, about the question, “Which picture do you think is themost beautiful in them and why?” The teacher will take part in their discussionand help them find an easier way to express ideas if needed. They have tochoose a representative to present their discussion results to the whole class.

Function: It will improvethe student’s abilities of expressing views on beauty.

Step4. Assignment

1. Write an essay: As astudent, how can you make the world and yourself become more beautiful?

2. Review the text

Function:Itwill improve their writing abilities and it is close to their study life soeveryone can write down something, more or less.

Step5. Futher studying

If there is some time left,the teacher will show the students a poem “What is beauty” and get them to readit out loudly

Function:Getthe students to appreciate the beauty in other aspects and then the studentscan understand the beauty further and better.

板书设计:    Lesson 1 What is beeauty?

           physical beauty

Beauty       must be accompanied by

inner beauty


Module 8      Unit 22

Lesson 1 Global warming

Teaching aims:

1)To learn some words and expressions and gain someknowledge related to global warming.

2)To enhance the ability of reading, including gettingthe general idea and detailed information.

3)To raise the awareness of environmental protection.

Teaching importantpoints:

Practicing reading skills to get detailed information

Teaching difficultpoints:

Retelling the main idea by role playing

Teaching aids:

Ppt. Bb


Step 1: Greeting

Steps2: Review and lead-in

1) Play a flash of beautiful scenery

2) Play a flash of environmental problem toreview some words.

Step 3: Reading

1) Look at the title and write down thequestions you want of ask about global warming.

2)Read the first sentence of each paragraphand identify the headings. (ppt)

3)Read again to get detailed informationand answer the questions on the screen. (ppt)

Step 4: Post reading

1)Role play

Ss are given time to prepare andthen are asked to act

2)Voice your opinion

Feel free to tell what can be done to help reducegreenhouse gases in the daily life.

Step5: Summary and homework

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