



Lesson 3 Weddings

Unit 3 Celebration

Module One

By Huang Yan

From: Taihu Senior High School

2011 November




Module 1  Unit3  Lesson 3 Weddings

The analysis of the students:

Before thislesson, students have learned a lot about celebration, such as celebratingfestivals and parties, so to a certain extent they are prepared for today’slesson quite well not only in topic but also in related vocabulary.

ThreeDimensional Teaching Aims:


1.     Introducethe wedding customs of the Indonesian weddings and Greek weddings.

2.     Explainsome modal verbs.

3.     Makecomparison between Chinese wedding customs and western wedding customs.



1.     Improvethe students’ reading ability and encourage them to master the skills ofreading: skimming, scanning and word-guessing.

2.     Enablestudents to talk about wedding.

3.     Stimulatestudents to gather information about western weddings after class by using theinternet, books and so on.



Encourage thestudents to comprehend western culture and Chinese culture and then get themmore interested in language learning.

Teaching Important andDifficult Points:

The use of modal verbs: have to/not have to; can/ can’t;ought to/ ought not to

The detailedinformation about the customs.

Teaching Methodology:

Task-based teaching, and students-centered

Teaching Activities:

Teacher-student(s), pair-work, group-work andindividual presentation.

Teaching Aids:

Multi- media facilities, blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Leading-in

First: Greetings.

Second: Show ashort video of western wedding to draw students’ attention to the topic.

Third: Introducedifferent styles of weddings.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Guess the meaning of the words related to the topic.

Step 3: Listening and fastreading

Listen to the text to get the general idea of the twopassages.

Step 4: Careful reading

Read the two passages to get some details by doing theTrue or False exercises.

Step 5: Further reading

Read the textcarefully and find out what to do and what not to do at Indonesian weddings aswell as what to do before, during and after the Greek wedding ceremony.


?       Whatto do

I can gowithout an_________;

After theceremony, I can________ the reception ;

At the ________to the reception, I ought to put ______ into a box;

?      Whatnot to do

but I ought notto go to the _________ without asking first;

Unlike inChina, people can’t drink ________ at most wedding receptions;

Luckily, I don’thave to ___________ a lot;

Nowadays,Indonesian women don’t have to cover their _______.

Greek weddings

before the wedding ceremony

The groom hasto ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage.


during the wedding ceremony

The best manshould help put crowns on the heads of the couple.


after the wedding ceremony

The guests canattend a wedding reception.

Guests canthrow dishes on the floor and put money on the bride’s dress for good luck.


Step 6 Post-reading

Discussion (group-work)

Talk about Chineseweddings in groups.

Step 7 Homework

Write an article about Chinese weddings.



Blackboard Layout



Indonesian weddings

what to do: can,have to, ought to

what not to do:can’t, not have to, ought not to


Greek weddings

before/ during/after the wedding ceremony


Module 3 Unit 7 The Sea


Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers


Vikings Voyagesto America


黄  燕


Three Dimensional Objectives:

Knowledge aims

Learn the vocabularies and expressions

spirit, explorer, sailor, voyage, deed, journey,unknown, eventually, set sail

Ability Aims

To practice reading for specific information

To talk about explorers.

Emotion Aims

To learn of the sea exploring stories and learn thespirit of the explorers.

To enhance students’ awareness of protecting theenvironment which is tied to human’s survival.

Possible problems

  Students may have trouble in pronouncing thenames of different people and places

Key point and difficult point

Key point

How to help students use different reading strategies forspecific information.

Difficult point

How to help students apply the spirit learned in thislesson to their study and form creative thinking.

Teaching methods

Task-based activities

Audio-lingual method

Team work and discussion.

Learning methods

Learn to make prediction.

Teamwork with classmates.

Teaching aids

Over-head projector

Time allocation: 45 minutes.


Teaching Procedures

Step 1: Greetings: Daily greetings

Step 2: Leading in and pre-reading.

Task 1

Usethe teacher’s photo to make aself introduction and lead in

Askstudents to guess who the person is in the picture.

Ask students to choose who arrived in America first,using their knowledge from history class.

Show students a clip of video about Vikings to offerthem some background information.

INTENTIONTo arouse students interests and make preparation for the introduction to the Vikings


Task 2

Vocabularywarm up.

Ask students to read new words after the teacher andgive them 1minute to get familiar with the words.

Ask students to match new words with their meanings.

INTENTIONTo prepare students well in lexical itemsand help them diminish the barriers in understanding the text.


Step 3: Fast-reading

   Askstudents to scan the text and find all the names of different people andplaces. The teacher will make a short introduction to the text

   Showstudents the exact places on the map.

INTENTIONTo help the students get a general idea ofthe text and of course to help them deal with the pronunciation of the namesand places.


Step 4: While reading

Task 3   A brief introductionto the Vikings.

The Vikings were a groupof people whose ancestors came from ________. They were the ___ Europeans toreach _______. They controlled the _____________ of Northern Europe between 8thand 10th century AD. The Vikings chose to live in many places of

   _______________ by around 900 AD.


Task 4  The Vikings’ three major discoveries.

Encourage students to scan the text to find out aboutthe Vikings’ three major discoveries.

Get the students to read the text again for specificinformation about the three discoveries. Then in pairs, complete the table withthe information they get.

Checkthe answers







the middle of the ninth century

Eric the Red

discovered Greenland

blown there by a storm

not longer after Eric had landed in Greenland




the year 1002




Task 5  The way we know about the Viking.

How do we know about the Vikings?

INTENTIONUse different presentation ways to helpstudents read for specific information from the reading material.


Step 5 Summary

Para1,2  A brief introduction to the Vikings

Para3     About Eric the Red

Para4     Biarni’s journey to Greenland

Para5     Leif’s trip to Newfoundland

Para6     The way we know about the Vikings

INTENTIONTo help students get a clear understandingof the outline of the material


Step6 Post-reading

Task 6  Discussion

Use your imagination anddiscuss with your partner.

What kind of difficultiesmight the Vikings have met ?

Report at least THREEof them to the whole class.






You already possess everything necessaryto become great. 

What lies behind us, and what lies beforeus are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us. 
                                     --RalphWaldo Emerson

What’s the real spirit of the explorers?

INTENTIONThe discussion is an output process whichcan consolidate what they learnt and help them understand the real spirit ofexplorers.



Step 5 Summary and assignment

Writefive sentences to describe the real spirit of explorers in your mind.

INTENTIONHomework part will give the students anopportunity to voice their opinions in written form.




The Spirit of Explorers




Great ambitions




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