

【教学反思】Unit 22 Environmental Protection Lesson 1 Global Warming

  Unit 22 Environmental Protection

    Lesson 1 Global Warming


Teacher:Wu Nanfang

Teaching aims:

By the end ofthis lesson, students will

1.  have a better understanding of what globalwarming is.

2.  know the serious consequences that globalwarming may cause.

3.  realize the importance that we need to takeaction.

Teaching methods:

Task-basedteaching method

Teaching aids:

A projector,a computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1  Greetings

Step 2  Lead-in

Play a gameto lead to the topic--- Global Warming.

Step 3 Reading

Get the students to read the text as a whole

1. What doesglobal warming refer to?

What controls the Earth’s temperature?

If there is no gases, can we still live on the Earth?

If there is a lot of gases around the Earth, what willhappen?

2.The presentsituation and the causes of the global warming

How many degrees does the Earth’s temperature increase?

What causes the increasing temperature?

3.Theconsequences of the global warming

Does the 10Fsound like a lot? Is it too much or not?

If the temperature continues to increase, what is theresult?

4.Actions wecan take

What can we do to stop the disasters?

Who can save the Earth?

5.From the discussionsabove, what is one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21stcentury? ( Back to para 1)

Step 4 Summary

Global Warming

Conclusion    (para1)


Definition     (para2)


Causes        (para3)


Consequences  (para4)


Actions        (para5)


Step 5  Homework

Review the text and finish Exercise 5 on page 7

Unit 17 Lesson 1



   本课是unit17的lesson1,warm-up已经为它作了很好的铺垫。本课由三个有趣的小故事组成,文章难度不大。本课生词也不多,可以让学生先自己学习,找出幽默。本课教学重点是让学生了解并欣赏外国的幽默,语法重点为past perfect continuous.本课计划用两课时完成,第一课让学生学会欣赏外国幽默。第二课是语法。


To help students to understand the funnystories.

To review the Past Perfect Continuous

Teachingimportant and difficult points:

   To masterthe Past Perfect Continuous


Step.Warm up

Ask the students to look at the pictures inthe textbook and guess what happened according to the pictures.


Task1: Match the words with the definitions. Learn some difficult words beforereading


.First reading

Read the firstand last lines of the stories, look at the pictures and match the stories andthe pictures with the headlines.

.Second reading

Read the threestories and then answer the following questions:

1. Why does thewoman write a cheque for $50?

2. Why does thegirl decide to change her response when her father asks her the secondquestion?

3. What does theman mean when he says “Do you know who I am?”

Step. Speaking

Voice your opinion:Which of the stories do you like most? Why? retell your favorite story. Do youhave your funny stories? If yes, share your own funny story with the wholeclass.


Task1: Find out the sentences with the PastPerfect Continuous tense in the text.

Task2: What is Past Perfect Continuous?

a.      long activitiesin the past that happened before other past events:

eg: She wasrescued by a man who had been working in a nearby garage.

b.      the repeatedactions that happened before a particular point in the past.

eg: We had onlybeen driving for about fifteen minutes when Jill asked me to stop the car.

c . An actionthat was still in progress and had not been completed at a particular time inthe past.

eg: I had beenwaiting for the train for over an hour when they announced that it had beencancelled.

Task3: Exercise

Finish exercise6,8 & 9

Step.Sum up

In the text, we have learnt 3 funny stories.It will be good if you can read more after class.


Ex2 and 3 on page 20

StepVII.Bb Design

Lesson1 What’s so funny ?

1.     Why does thewoman write a cheque for 50dollars ?

2.      cash: I have no cash.


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